Cleaning Your Home Real Fast

Dec 20, 2022

Cleaning Your Home Real Fast

It never ends. This is the harsh truth about housecleaning. It will not clean itself even if you create good routines and habits. It is true. And it can also be true that routines or habits can become a bit chaotic very quickly. Vacation, holidays, sickness, new babies, new puppies, kid activities -- all of these things can cause us to lose our way. Do not beat yourself up if that happens. Crisis Cleaning is the right choice! Let's take a look at how to clean your house quickly, just in time for your holiday guests.


We all have to do some marathon cleaning when we host company, or our homes are messy. And sometimes, crisis cleaning is what we have to do for our mental and physical health. This can help you get the fresh start you need in order to create routines and habits that will keep your home organized.

Okay, now let's set the ground rules.


There's a place and time for laundry, but not right now. The pile of towels and pajamas will wait until another day.


This might or may not be an issue. For the purpose of crisis cleaning, we're only going to be doing a surface-level clean!


This is not realistic for moms. We're cleaning the house, not having a spa day!

But we are talking about distractions you actually can control - No Facebook (this isn't the time to look at dogs), No Instagram (no cute pictures of you cleaning your house), No Twitter(it will only make the planet stops spinning), and No texting.

We do allow a TV in the background! This is what Friends, we have to make it bearable! Some people may just prefer music. You can do that, too!


When you're in a crisis cleaning situation, it's tempting for you to get into "Mommy Martyr" mode. Refrain!


This is connected to Rule 4. When we feel stressed because our house is in disarray and we host a party, it is easy to forget why this is happening. We want to bless family and friends by creating a home that shows love and welcomes them.


Now that your house has been cleaned, you can relax and get a good workout in. (Until it's time for you to prepare all the food.) The perfect time to return to your normal cleaning routines is now, as the house looks so lovely! Even if your house isn't in a clean state, it's never too late!

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